Hey, What are Those Compost Bins at Noyes Park?

Ever wonder what the composting bins near the gas station are for?

The compost bins are part of DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)’s composting program.

DPR trains volunteers to maintain compost in gardens throughout DC, including at Noyes Park. Friends of Noyes Park supports this program from the sidelines and is not directly involved.

If you’d like to become a DPR compost volunteer at Noyes Park or for more general information, please visit: https://dpr.dc.gov/page/community-compost-cooperative-network

Additionally, individuals and families can drop off food scraps for free on Saturdays at the Monroe Street Farmers’ Market. You can drop them at the Compost Cab booth. More info about that can be found here: https://dpw.dc.gov/foodwastedropoff